Friends of Nik get Rivo for free

We'll do the heavy lifting for getting your loyalty or referral program set up with Rivo. As a friend of Nik, you'll get a dedicated CSM and the full red carpet experience - 100% free.

Wait..What's the catch?
We're a young company ($1M ARR) looking to disrupt the loyalty & retention space for Shopify stores.

We work closely with major brands like HexClad, Way of Wade and Outer Aisle. We're looking for an opportunity to add more brands to this list.

If we crush this for you as expected, we ask that you'll consider a case study with us (optional).

That's it. No hidden charges, upsells or BS :)

3 spots left!
Trusted by leading brands running on Shopify Plus

Join 7,000+ fast-growing Shopify stores leveraging loyalty to drive sales

"After evaluating some of the outdated loyalty program options, Rivo was the clear winner"