A first class loyalty and referrals developer experience
Most loyalty API’s are very pedestrian. Rivo is not. Rivo's developer toolkit is made to ship custom loyalty experiences. Built for the latest Shopify tech-stack.
Rest API
The classic. Access and update your Rivo data via API. Build fully custom solutions using our Developer Toolkit.
Javascript API
Load up first class loyalty data in the right place at the right time. Start creating custom displays and interactions with data from Rivo.
Access your Rivo data natively inside of Shopify. Build fully custom liquid templates right inside of Shopify.
Get important data from Rivo as soon as it happens. Such as earning points, spending points, or when a custom action has occurred.
Shopify Flow
Use a low code solution in Shopify Flow to build out custom workflows that use Rivo custom actions.
Shared Slack
Join our shared slack channel for developers. Ask questions and connect with the Rivo team.
Hundreds of the worlds top agencies use Rivo's Developer Toolkit
Developer Toolkit Docs
Working with Rivo’s API’s is simple. Have a question or need a hand? Email developers@rivo.io. We're here to help!
There are many loyalty offerings in the marketplace, but they're full of trade-offs. Rivo is the first platform we haven't had to adjust designs to implement. There is no compromise here. They are creating an industry standard for tightly knit third-party integrations that we never thought would exist, all while providing a platform for merchants that truly drives customer acquisition and retention.