5 ways to improve your repeat purchase rate (Using Social Media)

Maximize your social following with loyalty programs to boost repeat purchases and organic reach. Use rewards, early access, referrals, influencers, and live streams effectively.
Team Rivo

If you're reading this article, it's likely that your DTC store has a strong social following, but are you monetizing that following to its fullest potential? Loyalty and rewards programs are a great way to not only get your followers to improve your repeat purchase rate, but also for you to get in front of their friends and followers. Helping you organically expand your reach without having to increase your social ad budget. Below, we'll discuss

Here are 5 ways you can use social to make your customers want to buy from you again, and again, and again…

Drive loyalty with "follow us" rewards

A recent study showed that 90% of people buy from brands they follow on social media so make sure that the customers who will be most likely to drive your repeat purchase rate, are following you online! Use your loyalty program to reward shoppers for following you on social, posting a photo of or with your product or even leaving a review on their social pages and tagging you.


Give early access to your followers

FOMO is real and you can use it to drive your repeat purchase rates from your social accounts.

Shopify Plus store, Kyte BABY, launches a new line every week and has sold out every week for the past year. How do they do this? By offering early access to their social followers and app users. Kyte BABY currently has over 600K Instagram followers, 80K TikTok followers & 70K Facebook Kyte KLUB members... If you have this many people dedicated to staying in the know about your products, you need to give them incentives to stay active on your accounts.

Who wants to be the first to shop fall? It launches tonight in our Facebook group at 8pm CST! Otherwise, we will be launching at 10 am tomorrow 8/20 ✨ Teal was voted as our most popular color this season, what do you think? What will you be snagging … https://t.co/NxhXH3UVkg pic.twitter.com/qdabELQBL7
— KyteBaby (@KyteBaby) August 19, 2019

Create a network effect with your follower's followers

What's better than getting a new follower? Getting 10 new followers! Launching a referrals program can not only skyrocket your repeat purchase rate from existing customers by incentivizing them to buy with robust rewards but it also builds trust with their community because their vouching for your store directly. This is important because Gen Z buyers trust a recommendation from someone they know 44% more than an influencer they follow.

Use influencers to help spread the word

We all know where in another influencer bubble. The last one didn't end so well because people were paying for posts instead of building partnerships. So as you're approaching this new influencer surge, approach not only the ones with large followings, but partnering with influencers whose audience is not only aligned with yours but also shares your brand’s values. According to Edelman, 73% of Gen Z buy or advocate for brands based on their beliefs and values more than anything else.

Shopify Plus brand, Hexclad, partnered with Gordon Ramsy with huge success not only because of his obvious influence on the home-cooking community but also because he shared the same rebellious no B.S. attitude.

Mastering the art of egg-cellent cooking with @GordonRamsay 🍳👨‍🍳 pic.twitter.com/4o9y6U32jR

— HexClad (@hexclad) March 23, 2023

Sell on your live streams

Live selling eCommerce sales are expected to reach over $600 billion by the end of 2023.  If you're not already live streaming, now is the time. Your stream doesn’t have to be limited to Q&A and product demos either, you can add incentives for viewers such as discounts, giveaways, even extra loyalty points when they purchase during the stream.

Start driving more repeat purchases on social, now!

No matter what social platform you use, the same rule applies: give them incentives to stay engaged with your brand and they will become loyal customers in no time. If you want to learn more ways to drive loyalty for your eCommerce store, check out the Rivo blog today!

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Customer Retention Rate =
# of customers at the end of period -
# of customers acquired during period


# of customers at the start ofperiod
x 100
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